محمد شیخ علیشاهی


تاریخ به‌روزرسانی: 1403/11/21

محمد شیخ علیشاهی

دانشکدگان ‌فنی / دانشکده مهندسی‌ صنایع‌

مقالات علمی چاپ شده در مجلات

  1. "A closed-loop dual-channel supply chain network for leather products: An integrated simulation optimization clustering approach"
    Beheshteh Moghadaspoor, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Ali Bozorgi-Amiri
    APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 167, 2024
  2. "Availability Analysis for General Repairable Series and Parallel Systems with Repair Time Threshold"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mohammadreza Eslamipirharati, Mehr Sadat Salami, Hosein Jorat
    Advances in Industrial Engineering, Vol. 58, No 2, 2024
  3. "Enhancing supply chain resilience under disruption: analysis of the farmed data by Monte Carlo simulation"
    Ali Khodabandeh-Yalabadi, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Seyed Ali Torabi, Mohsen Naderpour, AmirHossien Radmankian
  4. "Cost Estimation of Construction Projects under Risk and Cost-Influencing Factors"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mahshid Yadegari, SeyedEmran Eshghollahi
    Journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engineering (SCCE), Vol. 9, No 4, pp.53-80, 2024
  5. "Modeling and simulation to improve patient admission process: a case study in an educational and treatment hospital"
    Neda Rasoli, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    Simulation- Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Vol. -, 2024
  6. "A two-echelon sustainable multi-route location routing problem for biomass supply chain network design considering disruption"
    Reyhaneh Zoljoudi Zarandi, Atousa Shafiee Motlaq-Kashani, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
  7. "LRFM—based association rule mining for dentistry services patterns identification (case study: a dental center in Iran)"
    Mahdieh Tavakoli, Mohsen Ghanavati-Nejad, Amirreza Tajally, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 29, No 1, 2023
  8. "A decision-making framework for optimal maintenance management: An integrated simulation-mathematical programming-expert system approach"
    Mehrab Tanhaeean, Seyed Farid Ghaderi, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 185, No 1, 2023
  9. "A customized multi-neighborhood search algorithm using the tabu list for a sustainable closed-loop supply chain network under uncertainty"
    Pourya Seydanlou, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Reza Tavakkoli-moghaddam, Amir M. Fathollahi-Fard
    APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 144, No 1, 2023
  10. "Designing reverse logistics network for healthcare waste management considering epidemic disruptions under uncertainty"
    Saeede Nosrati, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mohamadmahdi Nasirikhonsari, Seyed Mohammad Golami-Zanjani
    APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, Vol. 142, No 142, 2023
  11. "Optimization of backpropagation neural network models for reliability forecasting using the boxing match algorithm: Electro-mechanical case"
    Mehrab Tanhaeean, Seyed Farid Ghaderi, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Vol. 10, No 2, 2023
  12. "A robust-stochastic data envelopment analysis model for supplier performance evaluation of the telecommunication industry under uncertainty"
    Mohammad Hossein Dehghani Sadrabadi, fatemeh sabouhi, Ali Bozorgi-Amiri, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH, Vol. 57, No 1, pp.263-290, 2023
  13. "Evaluating Factors Affecting Project Success: An Agile Approach"
    Mohammad Amin Amani, Ayria Behdinian, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 18, No 1, 2022
  14. "Lexical semantic analysis to support ontology maintenance modelling of failure-mode-effect analysis"
    Vahid Ebrahimipour, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics, Vol. 10, No 1, 2022
  15. "A Mixed Integer Model for Unrelated Parallel Machine Scheduling with Job Deteriorating Effect"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mohammad Zhalechian
    International Journal of Reliability, Risk and Safety: Theory and Application, Vol. 5, No 1, 2022
  16. "Improving Earned Value Management and Earned Schedule by Statistical Quality Control Charts Considering the Dependence between Cost and Schedule"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Saeed Abdolhossein Zadeh, Azam Sardarabadi, Saba Naeimi
    Journal of quality engineering and production optimization, Vol. -, 2022
  17. "An integrated fuzzy AHP- fuzzy DEA approach for location optimization of renewable energy plants"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Alireza Hakimi, Mehdi Hakimi
  18. "Maintenance Supplier Selection: Evaluating the Effect of Maintenance and Sourcing Strategies"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Seyed Erfan Atri, Amir hossein RadmanKiyan, Soroush Sabaei
    Advances in Industrial Engineering, Vol. 54, No 3, pp.333-354, 2021
  19. "A hyper-hybrid fuzzy decision-making framework for the sustainable-resilient supplier selection problem: a case study of Malaysian Palm oil industry"
    Alireza Fallahapour, Sina Nayeri, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Kuan yew Wong, Guangdong Tian, Amir Mohammad Fathollahi Fard
    Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 1, No 28, 2021
  20. "Multi-Objective Optimization of Nurse Scheduling Problem by Modeling Teamwork and Decision Making Style"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Hassan Gharon, Seyed Mohammad Reza Goldansaz
    Advances in Industrial Engineering, Vol. 54, No 1, pp.25-40, 2020
  21. "Dynamic maintenance planning approach by considering grouping strategy and human factors"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mohammadali Azadeh, L.. Pintelon
  22. "Human Factors Effects and Analysis in Maintenance: A Power Plant Case Study"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mohammadali Azadeh, Liliane Pintelon, Peter Chemweno
  23. "Maintenance Scheduling Optimization in a Multiple Production Line Considering Human Error"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mohammadali Azadeh, Liliane Pintelon, Peter Chemweno, Seyed Farid Ghaderi
    Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Vol. 26, No 6, 2016
  24. "Human factors in maintenance: a review"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Liliane Pintelon, Mohammadali Azadeh
    Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Vol. 22, No 3, pp.218-237, 2016
  25. "اولویت بندی ابزارهای سیاستی حمایت از صادرات محصولات با فناوری بالا"
    مسعود افشاری مفرد ، حامد عادلی نیک، محمد شیخ علیشاهی
    بررسی های بازرگانی، نسخه 18، شماره 105، 1399

مقالات علمی ارائه شده در همایش‌ها

  1. "Reliability, availability and maintainability analysis of a waste heat recovery system in a cement factory"
    Homa Khakan, Amirmohammad jafarnejad, Fatemeh Mirsaeedi, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    2nd International Conference on Optimization of Production and Service Systems, 2022
  2. "Investigating the reliability of relief supply chain in the pre- and post-disaster phases"
    Melika Adelkhani, Fatemeh Mirsaeedi, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    2nd International Conference on Optimization of Production and Service Systems, 2022
  3. "Reliability based Preventive Maintenance Modeling for Workforce Assignment in Energy Systems"
    Sajjad Karimi, Fatemeh Mirsaeedi, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    2nd International Conference on Optimization of Production and Service Systems, 2022
  4. "Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with reliability-based maintenance and job deteriorating effect"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Mohammad Zhalechian
    18th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, 2021
  5. "Lexical Semantic Analysis to support Ontology Maintenance Modeling of FMEA"
    Vahid Ebrahimipour, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi
    2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), 2021
  6. "Maintenance Supplier Selection: Evaluating the Effect of Maintenance and Sourcing Strategies"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Erfan Atri, Amir hossein RadmanKiyan, Soroush Sabaei
    17th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, 2021
  7. "Evaluation and Selection Suppliers: An Integrated Method Using Analytical Network Process, Taguchi Loss Function, And Multi-Choice Goal Programming Approach"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Talie Sheikholeslami, Soroush Sabaei, Amir hossein RadmanKiyan
    17th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, 2021
  8. "A heuristic method to solve an energy-efficient unrelated parallel machines scheduling problem with learning effect and deteriorating jobs"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Sina Nayeri
    International conference of Iranian Operation Research Society, 2020
  9. "Multi-Objective Optimization of Nurse Scheduling Problem by Modeling Teamwork and Decision Making Style"
    Hassan Gharon, Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Seyed Mohammad Reza Goldansaz
    16th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, 2020
  10. "Improving Earned Value Management and Earned Schedule by SQC Charts Considering with Cost and Schedule Dependence"
    Mohammad Sheikhalishahi, Saeed Abdolhossein Zadeh, Azam Sardarabadi, Saeideh Naeimi
    16th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, 2020
  11. "شبیه سازی گسسته سیستم خدمت دهی به بیماران در کلینیک شبانه روزی"
    عماد اکرمی، هادی محمدی، محمد شیخ علیشاهی
    هجدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع، 1400
  12. "برنامه ریزی سیستم نگهداری و تعمیرات چندهدفه با بکارگیری الگوریتم ترکیبی"
    محمد شیخ علیشاهی
    شــانزدهمیـن کنـفــرانس بیــن المللـی مهندسی صنـایع ایران، 1398